Association Representatives (ARs) are association leaders elected by CSEA members to represent them in their buildings. They represent their constituency by:

  • Serving on the governing body of CSEA
  • Assisting members with building level issues
  • Increasing awareness of Association benefits, services and resources
  • Attending monthly AR meetings and sharing meeting information with members
  • Assisting CSEA with membership promotion and retention activities

These important teacher volunteers are in the schools working with our members, so they know them personally, and have the best insight on workplace problems. It is natural that they are called on to help our members…they are the leaders in their workplaces!

CSEA provides the training necessary for ARs to assist members with a wide variety of employment issues. Some examples of the types of issues ARs might be called upon to assist with are concerns surrounding working conditions, workload, leave questions, parent complaints, and Master Agreement questions.

ARs receive training on the Master Agreement and we strive to keep them informed on what’s going on in the district so they may help our members solve building level problems in the workplace. 

In addition to training our ARs to work with members, CSEA has a full time release President, Kevin Coughlin, and a UniServ Director, David Graf, who serve as professional resources and a support system for our ARs and teachers on a daily basis. Should a situation require it, CSEA will make arrangements with CEA to provide an attorney for advice and consultation.

We thank our ARs who serve in this important capacity, invite other members to consider whether they might be willing to serve as an AR now or in the future, and encourage all members to reach out and get to know their CSEA Association Representatives.

Association Representatives do important work that advances the organization and profession, and are able to receive commensurate credit advancement for that work. The details are available on the member side of the website.